Anne Sophie Lorange- Visual Artist
Born in Boston, MA, Lorange grew up in the U.S. and moved to Norway as a teenager. Moving to Norway was back then a challenge, trying to adapt to a new culture. These experiences led to a deeper understanding of identity and also of not belonging and to the nature of home and its relation to nostalgia . Through her artwork, she is constantly exploring the notion of liminality, nostalgia and the in-between spaces . Her paintings, outdoor drawings and installations, all convey to the observer an abstract language of relationships between the seen and unseen, presence and absence, nostalgia and trauma, solitude and togetherness. Her artworks balance between solid structures and intuitive lines, shaping the invisible into emotional landscapes where the observer can exist within a freedom of space.
With a bilingual background, she explores states of interpretation, in-betweeness and identity. Her narrative invites the spectator to a dialog between the inner and outer existence working with liminal states and in-betweeness and nostalgia. Touching aspects of interpretation, belonging and identity through a multi-faceted narrative of liminal states and unintended interpretations, the work is spontaneous and fresh in a raw and delicate sense, confronting the spectator with a direct physicality, while revealing an ambiguous notion of an in-between state of freedom and creative power.
MFA 2013, University of Plymouth,UK, Transart Insitute Berlin,NY.
Einar Granum og Nydalen Kunstfagskole
MSC,2002,(siv.øk.) BI, 2002 Oslo
-Transart Institute scholarship/Berlin, accredited by Plymouth University, UK
"My current goal is to further explore nostalgia through my own creative practice and upcoming full-time PhD Creative Practice studies autumn 2021. I am concerned with the complexities of the in-between and the forming of identity through both past and future and the borders of language. A feeling of nostalgia, I believe can draw us closer together through a shared openness to our space. How can painting exist as a visible bridge into space, where we can understand and connect one another clearer? I want the observer to exist beyond words, beyond writing, beyond definitive answers, or the border of one’s own body and memory. Painting is a sensory experience, and when I apply paint to the canvas it’s as if each color has its own feeling and becomes animated, a kind of practice of weaving together. I am constantly in the center of something fleeting, yet entirely concrete."
Member NBK, LNM, UKS, BKIB & Tegneforbundet
2021 - PhD Creative Practice, fulltime, jointly byTransart Institute, NY & Liverpool John Moores University, UK
2011 - 2013
MFA, University of Plymouth
Transart Institute, NY/Berlin
2005 - 2010
1998- 2002
Einar Granum & Nydalen kunstskole
Master of Science (siv.øk), BI
2019 -2021 Painting teacher, hovedlærer maleri 2.år, Nydalen Kunstskole
2013 - 2012
Scholarship University of Plymouth, awarded in 2011,2012 and 2013
Juried Art Winner, Painting,
Public Procurement
2018 Det Norske Kulturåd (Red Velvet, Golsa)
2017 Seewasserwerke/ Vannverket, Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland
Solo exhibitions
Alone/together with perfumer Rasa Gundersen, Gallery TM51, Oslo
Empty Spaces, Gallery TM51, Oslo
Traces of absence, Ekely, Edvard Munch Studio
Passages Unknown, Ekely, Edvard Munch Studio, Curated by Joakim Borda-Pedreira
Signaler, Bærum Kunsthall
Kunst Rett Vest, Tofte
Bærumsutstillingen, Bærumkunsthall
Kunst Rett Vest, Henie Onstad, Sandvika
GIFC, Velvet Ropes, Gallery Golsa, Oslo
Kunst Rett Vest, Drammen Kunst Museum
Oslo Open
Østlands Utstillingen, Kunstbanken Hedmark & Østfold Kunst Senter
Kunst Berlinallee, Berlin, Curated By Z. Ramirex
After Kippenberger, Marzia Frozen Gallery, Berlin, Curated by Z. Ramirex
Contact Me
0047 47010711